Thursday, June 4, 2009

Don't touch me.

If I don't know you, please don't touch me. Please. It's not personal.

Now... I understand that you might think tattoos are cool. I myself enjoy looking at tattoos.

Yes, they hurt. Yes, they were expensive. No, I did not give you permission to touch or caress my arm just because you've shown interest on the permanent coloring I've added to my arm. It took about 8 years. No, it was not done in one sitting. See, it's not so much that I can't handle answering those questions (although I get them 2-5 times a day), it's that when a random stranger asks them while feeling on my arm I want to either kick them or run from them. Think about it. It's creepy.

In the event you are trying to be my friend, a simple "hello" is a good way to start a conversation. I like people and I might like you. If you make me laugh we could potentially become BFFs.

If you are a "toucher", please think about your actions a little more. You could be freaking people out and not even know it. Do you really want to be thought of as "that creepy man or woman"?

Please don't touch me.

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